Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Lee Integrity Award Honoring Justice Sandra Day O'Conner, October 18, 2012, The Metropolitan Club, Washington, DC.

I was delighted to do the flowers for the Lee Integrity Award Dinner honoring Justice Sandra Day O'Conner on October 18, sponsored by Stratford Hall. My team for this event was Georgia Nassikas, Cindy Conner, Kelly Johnson, and Pam Kloman, a highly talented group. 

 The overall design plan was fall garden-style.  Even though this dinner was being held at the Metropolitan Club in Washington, we wanted the flowers to look like they would be equally as comfortable at Stratford Hall, 100 miles away in rural Westmoreland County.  So while the arrangements were elegant and sophisticated, they were also loose, light, airy and gardeny. We used a combination of flowers from the wholesale florist and plant material cut from our gardens - perfect florist flowers combined with the down-to-earth beauty that is only found in nature.  They were fitting for the star of the evening, Justice O'Conner! 
                                                                                            All photos by Cindy Conner and Kelly Johnson.